Behind the Scenes
Production Coordinator, Jane Anderson, taking a quick coffee break!

Director/Producer, Justin Brunelle, watching the monitor as Cinematographer, Chase Gardiner, operates.

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins getting ready for the next take.

Crew celebrating after a successful shoot!
Best Grip, Marlon Parnell, and Best Electric, Isaiah Rust, posing for camera.

Clients, Ken Christensen and Sarah Ward, excitingly discussing the previous take.

Director/Producer, Justin Brunelle, working with Ryan Nugent-Hopkins for his next take.

Cinematographer, Chase Gardiner, adjusting the camera settings.

Producers, Justin Brunelle and Tony Kinash, hugging it out after a long, but very successful day.
Airing across Canada's major networks during primetime television spots, the commercial reaches millions of Canadians everyday. It aims to evoke nostalgia for those who grew up with West Edmonton Mall and inspire new memories for others. Increased viewership of the commercial directly correlates with higher visitor numbers to the mall, thereby boosting revenue for the organization.